You'll love this perfectly parev dessert that tastes as good as it looks
By Denise Phillips
No ice cream maker? No worries with this super easy, exotic treat
By Maunika Gowardhan
Fun factor's high with this spin on a frosty classic
By Alison Roman
A super summery and fun dessert for grown ups
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
The ingredient dream team - in the prettiest lattice-topped case
A very grown-up (vegan and gluten free) dessert
All you need is love - and these super simple bars from a social media sensation
By Eloise Head
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Marmalade and whisky are the stars of this super simple recipe
By Coinneach MacLeod
There's more to Chanukah than fried doughnuts - use your olive oil in this delicious dessert
By Judi Rose
Leftover challah would be brilliant in this easy-to-make interpretation of a rich Mughal dessert
By Rukmini Iyer
A traditional favourite gets a healthy upgrade
By Alan Rosenthal
A comfort food classic is given a Middle Eastern twist
By Shannon Sarna
Who could resist crisp pastry layered with nuts drenched with honey syrup?
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
A fun treat for your Rosh Hashanah celebrations
By Silvia Nacamulli
A super simple dairy dessert that's perfect for balmy evenings
By Ixta Belfrage
The perfect celebration bake - with a Middle Eastern twist
By Shiri Kraus