A grown up twist on a child-friendly treat
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
Crunchy caramelised sugar-topped pots of creamy, fruit-filled deliciousness
Tart apples paired with sweet caramel make for a truly delicious dessert
By Victoria Prever
A super light and lovely summer dessert
Rich, creamy and easier to make than you’d think
By ruth joseph
Switch it up from potatoes to make these dessert-ready fritters
Spice up this French classic for a deliciously different finale to your milky or meaty meal
By Ben Tenenblat
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Serves 6-8
By Silvia Nacamulli
Simple and delicious – you could use a sweeter dessert apple and leave out the sugar
Fresh and dried pears work brilliantly in this gorgeous Succot dessert
By Judi Rose