Recipe of the day
Challah recipes
Chicken soup recipes
Honey Cake recipes
Friday Night Recipes
A classic combination for a delicious autumn dessert
By Silvia Nacamulli
Possibly the best dessert in the world – made parev. Everyone needs this in their life
By Joanna Nissim
This easy vegan main c ourse is full of autumn flavours and perfect for Succah suppers
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
A plant packed and fibre filled treat that perfect for those moments when only cake will do
By Tim Spector
Pairing babka dough with marmalade turns it into top-drawer special breakfast food
By Victoria Prever
Simple, fast, healthy, packed with plants and delicious — what’s not to like?
A twist on traditional chicken soup that’s also a brilliant way of using yours up
By Cook for Good
A show stopping dish for a special meal
A soothing and nourishing broth to break your Yom Kippur fast on
Cute apple-filled pastries that are perfect for festive teas and can be made parev
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
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A parev Tunisian treat that’s traditional for breaking your Yom Kippur fast
On Fridays, Michal Gabay would always prepare the spicy fish that her daughter Shani Gabay (murdered on October 7) loved so much
By Michal Gabay
Lentils are traditional for Jewish new year, so a lovely soup to serve over the chagim
A deliciously different with an interesting ingredient that will keep everyone guessing
Easy, quick and tasty – the ideal last minute Rosh Hashanah main
Simple, rustic and packed with juicy autumn fruits – the perfect snacking cake
By Jeremy Salomon
Meltingly tender, spiced meat covered in jammy onions and sweet golden sultanas – and a Rosh Hashanah must
You’ll love this quick and super simple dessert with a festive twist
A gorgeous, gluten free and vegan salad for your festive buffet
By Denise Phillips