The ultimate simple Seder dinner.
By Amir Batito
Warm up with this hearty, slow-cooked stew that’s full of Persian flavours
By Joanna Nissim
Our favourite brisket is longer a bargain so here are some more economical ideas to get your teeth into
By Victoria Prever
A quick and easy crowd-pleaser that’s a flavour explosion
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
Fill these fun bread bowls with super tasty, seared steak for a fast supper
A Seder showstopper that will wow the crowd
No need to miss out on this supper treat with these pasta-style rolls (with a vegetarian option)
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Looking for another lockdown project? Making your own totally fits the bill
This warming dish is ideal on a cold winter’s evening.
By Silvia Nacamulli
This Jewish classic is so easy to make yourself at home.
By Anne Shooter
Because life is definitely NOT too short to stuff a latke...
Packed with flavour, super simple and show stoppingly good looking
By Denise Phillips
Sweet couscous is a legacy of Morocco's Jews
By Avner Laskin
Warming Shabbat fuel for the cold, winter months
By Yvonne Fink
A tasty option for lazy summer Shabbat lunches
By sharon lurie