A sharing size triangular treat that’s perfect for Purim parties
By Denise Phillips
This fast, healthy supper can be on the table in 15 minutes flat
By Fraser Reynolds
Just like nonna made them — just add spaghetti or rice
By Silvia Nacamulli
Take your tomahawk to the next level with this restaurant style technique
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
Packed with punchy umami flavours – this will be your Shabbat go-to
By Jake Cohen
Cauliflower replaces rice, in this traditional Persian recipe for a lower-carb but hearty main course.
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
Put those leftovers to great use with this tasty salad
By Victoria Prever
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A party-sized snack that’s perfect for festive gatherings
These festive canapès are easy to assemble and perfect for a party
Thin and crunchy baked latkes are perfect partners with the juiciest salt beef
A Italian rib-sticking, winter warmer that’s perfect for Shabbat
By leah koenig
Middle-East favourite with a fresh Israeli salad.
A super simple but special, one-tray supper
A hearty one pot that’s perfect for Friday nights
A next-level version of everyone's Friday night favourite
By Shiri Kraus
Meltingly tender, spiced meat covered in jammy onions and sweet golden sultanas – and a Rosh Hashanah must
By Jeremy Salomon