By Sasha Shor
Friday night doesn’t get better than this juicy, zingy chicken with melting roasted potatoes
By Carolina Gelen
A sharing size triangular treat that’s perfect for Purim parties
By Denise Phillips
Take your tomahawk to the next level with this restaurant style technique
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
Cauliflower replaces rice, in this traditional Persian recipe for a lower-carb but hearty main course.
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
This is a perfect pick-me-up for frosty days
By Daniel Green
A party-sized snack that’s perfect for festive gatherings
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These festive canapès are easy to assemble and perfect for a party
Cute canapes for Chanukah celebrations
Thin and crunchy baked latkes are perfect partners with the juiciest salt beef
A warming winter chicken dish that’s perfect for a crowd
By Judi Rose
Middle-East favourite with a fresh Israeli salad.
Easy, quick and tasty – the ideal last minute Rosh Hashanah main
Make this richly spiced sweet and savoury lamb your Rosh Hashanah main event
Taste testing the 3D printed plant based protein that has finally made it into supermarket freezers
By Felix Pope
Who could resist this plate of all-out comfort food?
By leah koenig