A super simple but stunning, show stopper that’s perfect for Friday night
By Sally-Ann Thwaites
Just roll with it for a simple-to-make and festive alternative for a Shabbat roast
By Denise Phillips
The perfect Shabbat dish - foolproof and an entire meal in one tin
By Anne Shooter
Make the most of Spring rhubarb, the perfect sub for lemon in this meringue-topped pie
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
Challah doesn't have to be boring. Mix it up with this version that's packed with omega-rich seeds.
By tami isaacs pearce
This mouth-meltingly tender meat dish is hearty and warming enough for wintery Shabbat dinners.
Delicious for a dinner party, celebration meal or even Friday night dinner
By emma spitzer
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This warming dish is ideal on a cold winter’s evening.
By Silvia Nacamulli
Gorgeous-looking for a healthy starter or snack
We Jews love a cured fish – be it herring, salmon or halibut.
Bakewell tart is my absolute, all-time favourite, so I’ve used the flavours in this loaf.
By stacey hart
Here's how to make a Jewish classic perfect for Shabbat, Pesach, Rosh Hashanah or just when you need a bit of Jewish penicillin
By Victoria Prever
A Jewish staple. How do you make yours?
A creamy, baked kugel that’s perfect for an autumn Shabbat
By Anonymous
A haimish spin on a French classic
By Michael Ruhlman
A standout vegetarian supper centrepiece
By josh katz