The ultimate midweek, cheese-filled comfort food
By leah koenig
The most delicious, warming, no-effort supper
By Rosie Sykes
No chocolate needed in this golden syrup and gingernut-packed treat
By Victoria Prever
A deliciously indulgent loaf cake that everyone can eat
By Silvia Nacamulli
A warming winter chicken dish that’s perfect for a crowd
By Judi Rose
A Italian rib-sticking, winter warmer that’s perfect for Shabbat
Celebrate Thanksgiving with this pecan-packed loaf
By tami isaacs pearce
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This latke-like treat makes a tasty vegetarian supper
By limor chen
Middle-East favourite with a fresh Israeli salad.
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
A healthy hack on a gloriously indulgent treat
By Katie Pix
A super simple but special, one-tray supper
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
This pudding is delicious with ice cream. You may want to make double the quantity of sauce to serve in a jug on the side.
By Lisa Roukin
Like a hug in a bowl, this is a Roman classic for a reason
A hearty one pot that’s perfect for Friday nights
A super simple supper that’s low on labour and huge on satisfaction
By anna del conte
Healthy, nourishing and full of flavour
By saliha mahmood-ahmed