Don’t fancy frying? These oven baked fritters are a Chanukah miracle
By Victoria Prever
Pile these cute fritters high and shower with sprinkles
Everyone will love these cute, easy-to-prepare treats
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
Olive oil makes this delicous bake on point for the festival of lights
By ruth joseph
All the doughnut flavour and a gooey custard middle makes these baked ‘nuts a winner
By Lisa Roukin
Zesty orange dough and a rich chocolate dip for the win
Turmeric or paprika doughtnuts, with tomato or cheese sauces for the warm centres.
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Switch it up from potatoes to make these dessert-ready fritters
Ring the changes for your celebrations with this super easy Spanish speciality – the cousin of Ashkenazi rugelach
By Judi Rose