You'll love this super easy, zesty dessert that requires minimal hands on time
By Justine Pattison
Use pre-made schnitzels to have this lunchtime treat on the table in minutes
By Denise Phillips
A no-effort main course that totally delivers on flavour
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
Kosher for Pesach and they’re honestly so good you’ll want to eat them all year round
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
A showstopper for easy entertaining
By Joanna Nissim
Super healthy and full of flavour — this salmon is a week night wonder
By paula shoyer
A hearty, budget-conscious winter warmer
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Put Purim's poppy seeds into this zesty bake
By Silvia Nacamulli
A favourite food gets a crunchy makeover
By leah koenig
These cute cookies make perfect presents for Purim mishloach manot
Bring in Spring with this pretty pink bake
This works beautifully well as a dinner party dish or on a celebration table, in particular for Rosh Hashanah, given its sweet notes and honey.
By emma spitzer
These are inspired by hash browns and my Mom’s famous latkes.
By Joel Gamoran
Breaking with tradition, these open triangles are baked first and the topping added later. The rosewater is optional (but delicious).
Perfect Purim party food — if you can resist eating them warm from the oven
Make this Middle Eastern-inspired dish as part of a mezze or as light lunch