An extra healthy twist on the classic with added crunch
By Dr Rupy Aujla
This colourful, crunchy stir fry makes a fast, healthy supper
By Judi Rose
Get ready for next-level Friday night food
By Oded Oren
Looking for inspo for the festive season? You came to the right place
By Victoria Prever
Sticky glazed chicken, juicy peaches and crunchy croutons makes this a summer dinner winner
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
Dress up your Friday night chicken with amba plus this crunchy crust.
By Shiri Kraus
Tender, crisp chicken wings coated in spicy lemon harissa sauce - perfect with an icy beer
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A super simple but stunning, show stopper that’s perfect for Friday night
By Sally-Ann Thwaites
The perfect Shabbat dish - foolproof and an entire meal in one tin
By Anne Shooter
This dish involves little more than putting all the ingredients in a roasting tin and popping it in the oven!
Here's how to make a Jewish classic perfect for Shabbat, Pesach, Rosh Hashanah or just when you need a bit of Jewish penicillin
An unusual and pretty first course
By Heather Thomas
A haimish spin on a French classic
By Michael Ruhlman
The ultimate Jewish sweet and savoury mash up
Sweet and zesty — definitely a Shabbat crowd pleaser
By amelia saltsman
Perfect for a simple family Friday night dinner
By jewish princess