Instagram’s champion of Jewish pride and food talks to the JC about cooking up a storm despite the haters
By Jane Prinsley
These cute cookies make perfect presents for Purim mishloach manot
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
Woman in US outlet claims the sandwich wrapper supported the killing of kids
By Daniel Ben-David
In the months since October 7, Shimon Biton has filled tens of thousands of orders for soldiers across the country
By Etgar Lefkovits
The Israeli franchisee says he has big plans for the business
By JC Reporter
Rehovot-based food-tech company Aleph Farms says it will now be able sell steak grown from cow cells
By Victoria Prever
To thousands of New York Jews, the Upper West Side grocery store is an institution that epitomises Jewish NYC
By Anna Rahmanan
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The cat food company claim the Quran forbids feeding non-halal meat to pets
Joanna Nissim shares why she’ll be celebrating Christmas day with a Chinese banquet — and suggests some recipes
By Joanna Nissim
The mint chocolate that is a classic Friday-night treat will soon be out of reach for some
By Olivia Gittel
There was only 25 minutes to prep and cook a family dinner that would be ready and delicious in ten hours’ time
By Giles Coren
Giles Coren asks has anyone else ever heard of Rakott Krumpli?
New law prohibits the sale of polystyrene containers for ready meals but Jewish communities have already started tackling the issue head on
By Florence Bean
The chain has insisted it maintains 'strict' hygiene standards at all its locations
By Katie Grant
The London cultural centre cited Baladyt's 'very disappointing food hygiene rating' and said it was looking for a new food partner
Top Israeli chef Avishay Siag was in London to help raise much-needed funds for the Jewish state’s only national medical emergency and blood service