Josh Howie's on a diet - and a friend is helping
By Josh Howie
Victoria Prever takes on the incendiary 'bagel / beigel' debate
By Victoria Prever
On a study tour of Rome, Karen Skinazi discovers a delicacy from a bakery in the ghetto
By Karen E H Skinazi
A great recipe for children to help make
By Ilana Epstein
Russia and Ukraine are top producers of the versatile legume
By JC Reporter
This examination of the seemingly simple street food works at the very least as a reappraisal of the myriad ways its elements combine to create something larger than themselves
The Jewish family favourite has got a makeover
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Manischewitz announced 'gefilte fish hot dogs' on Twitter, calling it 'An American tradition your Bubbie will love'
By Ben Bloch
Its menu includes "not quite chicken soup" and its role is also educational
Protesters outside Unilever board meeting in London make clear their opposition to 'hypocritical' statements on foreign affairs and Israel
By David Rose
Celebrity chef Eyal Shani is bringing his innovative vegetarian cuisine to the UK
By Nadine Matyas
Tips and hacks for marvellous mishloach manot for a perfect Purim
The huge berry weighed in at nearly 300 grams
By Josh Kaplan