
Recipe: Egg, spinach, and watercress spread

It’s great on challah, sourdough and on a bagel

August 25, 2022 11:43
Egg and watercress dip fabbiene l (Read-Only)

Cook: 15 minutes

Serves: 4

This simple spread is delicious as part of a mezze of dips for Shabbat, to take on a picnic or on a hot summer evening when you cannot face cooking.


  • Place the eggs in a large saucepan, cover with cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 12 minutes

  • Cool down the hard boiled eggs by running them under cold water or placing in iced water. Peel, chop roughly and set aside.

  • Chop roughly the spinach and the watercress and set aside.

  • Slice the spring onions very finely.

  • In a large bowl mix the chopped hard-boiled eggs, spinach and watercress. Add the mayonnaise and half of the lemon juice.

  • Add salt and pepper and taste. Add more lemon juice and correct the seasoning if necessary.

Instagram: Fabienne_viner_luzzato


6 large eggs
100g fresh spinach
75g watercress plus extra to decorate
3 spring onions
125g mayonnaise or cream cheese
Juice of a lemon
Salt and pepper