Chanukah recipe
Recipe: Strawberry jam sufganyot
Homemade doughnuts are easier than you think
By Ta'amim
Cook time: 20 - 30 minutes
Vegetarian recipe
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dairy dessert
Recipe: Arbequina olive oil ice cream
There's more to Chanukah than fried doughnuts - use your olive oil in this delicious dessert
By Judi Rose
Cook time: 20 - 30 mins plus chilling/freezing time (overnight minimum)

Friday night recipe
Recipe: Beef and lamb koftas in fragrant tomato sauce
Warm up with comfort food (Sephardi style) at its finest
By Oded Oren
Cook time: 1 hour 45 minutes (mostly hands off)

Recipe: Preserved lemons
A jar of sunshine that's packed with zesty flavour
By Oded Oren
Cook time: Minimum 2 months fermenting time