And in Kyiv, thousands dance to Hasidic trance music in the midst of Putin's war
By Anshel Pfeffer
The corporation pledged in January last year to avoid what critics have called a 'politicised' error
By Jonathan Sacerdoti
By Ian Austin
The NGO seeks to demonise Israel, inflame tensions, drive Israelis and Palestinians apart and make the conflict worse.
Fears that the Be'er Sheva stabbing will herald a new wave of violence
By Jotam Confino
By Josh Kaplan
No matter the issue, everything seems to come back to Israel
I've been fressing in the Holy City - here are my top tips
By The Fresser
The attacker used a vehicle to ram pedestrians before stabbing passersby
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Naftali Bennett said he was moved and happy to send off the delegation
By Rosa Doherty
The Ukrainian president said he believed Jerusalem could be a possible location for talks
With borders open once again, rediscover old joys, new treasures and a feast of culinary delights on a long-awaited trip
By Victoria Prever
Naftali Bennett pleads for safety as vast crowds descend on Bnai Brak
By JC Reporter
Highest ever placing in UN survey of 146 states across the globe
The Strictly Orthodox leader supported the vaccination programme for Covid-19
Nicole Lampert meets Emily and Yoseph
By Nicole Lampert
By Joan Ryan
The National Union of Students should be ashamed of itself for backing such a divisive campaign
Nearly 2,500 Ukrainian immigrants have entered Israel since the beginning of the war