The wider mindset which dubs Israel a rogue state is a problem which editorial changes can’t fix
By Stephen Pollard
The Garden Cinema will screen the film withdrawn by the BBC on Tuesday
By Elisa Bray
The Board has given the BBC until Pesach to address community concerns
By Jane Prinsley
The Israeli chef was hit by tragedy while appearing on the BBC show
By Victoria Prever
Corporation admits 'serious mistake' in request for speaker on news programme
By Maureen Lipman
I’ve worked for the BBC over the years, but it’s time to take a stand against Lineker and Bowen
The Israeli chef behind Bala Baya and Kapara is competing in this week’s London and South East heats
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The broadcaster amended the video after Camera made a complaint
By Imogen Garfinkel
The BBC has acknowledged a recently released documentary about Gaza was the result of ‘serious failings’ within the corporation
By Daniel Ben-David
The broadcaster has been accused of platforming Hamas propaganda and breaching its own editorial standards
By Michael Gove
The BBC refuses to admit that it has a systematic problem
Dr Samir Shah admitted ‘serious failings’ on the part of the BBC and its production partner in the development of a recent documentary
By Jacob Jaffa
Dr Samir Shah CBE called the film a ‘dagger to the heart’ of the broadcaster’s reputation and hinted that it could prompt a wider review of its coverage of the Middle East
The corporation has admitted its wrongdoing, but it's not enough for some people
By Leo Pearlman
Ofcom told the JC it had received 17 complaints over the controversial film
Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy has demanded the BBC conduct an ‘comprehensive, rigorous’ review
By Lorin Bell-Cross