Naftali Bennett said he was moved and happy to send off the delegation
March 22, 2022 14:32An Israeli aid delegation has travelled to western Ukraine to establish a field hospital to help meet the needs of dozens of patients.
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett attended Ben-Gurion International Airport this morning to pay tribute to the team ahead of their departure.
The hospital has been established with an investment of approximately NIS 21 million and forms part of the Israeli humanitarian effort as Russia continues to invade Ukraine.
Prime Minister Bennett said he was moved and happy to send off the delegation that will establish the field hospital in Ukraine.
Israeli PM Bennett at the departure ceremony (Photo: GPO/Haim Zach)
“Over the past week, all of the wonderful partners here have been really working around the clock so that this initiative could happen and be underway.
“There have been several obstacles on the way, but we overcame them.
“It is important for me to point out, Israel has been extending its hand to render assistance in the crisis in Ukraine for several weeks now, from the very first moment – in various ways.
"We are managing this unfortunate crisis with sensitivity, generosity and responsibility, while maintaining a balance between the various factors – and they are complex."
His comments come as there has been criticism of the country not doing enough to help Ukraine in its war against Russia.
Last week Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky criticised Israel calling them to send arms to his country and sanction Russia.
He criticised the country for "mediation without choosing a side."
Speaking before the aid delegation left for Ukraine, Prime Minister Bennett made a point of talking about Israel's effort to support Ukraine.
He said: “From the very first days, we dispatched assistance planes with many tons of medical equipment, medicine and other things.
"We are absorbing olim here, those who are eligible under the Law of Return, and those who are not. Fifteen thousand Ukrainians have already entered the State of Israel. We are opening our doors until the storm passes, in order to give them relief.
“Precisely this morning, I want to state as clearly as possible: The people of Israel and the Israeli public can be proud of the contribution and the assistance of the State of Israel to the citizens of Ukraine."
Speaking to the delegation about what they may face he added: "Israel has the ability and the tools to extend assistance to civilians in the area you will be in, just south of the main highway from Ukraine toward Poland.
"It is reasonable that you will see refugees that left their homes with very little a few days or weeks before, in the cold, after long and wearying days with considerable emotional difficulties. Beyond the regular medical assistance, an embrace and strength must also be given. The refugee phenomenon is very difficult indeed.
“I would like to thank you. It is clear to me that you will take the initiative there in the field. It is clear to me that you will find various ways – that you had not thought of previously – to render assistance. If you need to go out to certain places, do so. It is important to me to welcome you back whole and healthy."
He told the team travelling that the Foreign Ministry, the Foreign Minister, and the Government of Israel "are at your disposal day and night, for any issue or problem, 24 hours a day.
"Do not hesitate to call; the delegation leaders know this. On behalf of the Government of Israel and the Israeli public – I would like to thank you. We love you very much."
On arrival in Ukraine the delegation held an opening ceremony for the Shining Star field hospital in the city of Mostyska.
Speaking at the ceremony the Chargé d'Affaires of the Israeli Embassy in Ukraine, deputy ambassador Yoav Bistrizky said: “The Embassy of Israel in Ukraine will continue to assist the Ukrainian people during these difficult times with the hope of a speedy peaceful solution”.
Ukrainians wait for treatment at the hospital. (Photo: Israeli MFA)
David Dagan, head of the delegation from the Ministry of Health, also addressed members of the medical delegation.
He said: “We are here to be the star that lights the path of refugees in need of medical care. We will extend a helping hand to them, as has always been the State of Israel’s custom. I feel extremely privileged to be a part of this fantastic group”.
The opening ceremony at the Shining Star Hospital. Photo: (Israeli MFA)
Dr Yoel Har-Even of the Sheba Medical Centre, and director of the “Shining Star” hospital said: “The mission of this hospital is to make clear to the Ukrainian people that they are not alone in the chaos that has emerged.”
The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Ukrainian government including the deputy minister of health, the governor of the Lviv district and mayor of Mostyska.