My life has been punctuated with how I have reacted to my relatives' uninhibited comments
By Misha Mansoor
By Jan Shure
For thirty years we have had to put up with the BBC's refusal to portray Israel as victims of terror
Funding packages have been offered to cover renovation costs of buildings to house Ukraine migrants
By Harry Brockhurst
By Ronnie Fraser
The call for an academic boycott began 20 years ago this week, but its advocates still operate on the margins of society
We defused a 'ticking time-bomb', said PM Bennett
By JC Reporter
Israeli authorities have cracked down after a week of terror in Israel
Residents of Bnei Brak tell the JC of their fear and sadness
By Felix Pope
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By Gloria Tessler
From the tragedy of this war will eventually emerge a new beginning and a powerful nation
Bnei Brak is a community in mourning after this week's attack
Hamas-affiliated media have praised the recent wave of violence against Israelis
There are reported fatalities after attacks in Ramat Gan and Bnei Brak
By Josh Kaplan
By James Clarke
The Department for International Trade is seeking information on current barriers to trade with Israel
Two teenage police officers were killed in the attack
It comes just days after another attack in the south of the country
By Kirsty Buchanan
By The JC Leader
The JC Leader, 25 March 2022
The Iranian nuclear threat will be high on agenda of Negev talks