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Ukraine’s anguish reminds us of Israel’s story

From the tragedy of this war will eventually emerge a new beginning and a powerful nation

April 1, 2022 10:06
Migration crisis on the border with Belarus
3 min read

Ukraine is so poignant for us. It has become a cohesive and independent country, full of all the creative and scientific wonders that nationhood offers, and which western societies have taken for granted for decades. It resonates with us. And suddenly — here it comes again. The one man, the driven, narcissistic, demonic personality.

Israel succeeded, is alive and largely flourishing. It is a beacon to the world in so many ways, recognised or not.  

But there is genuine fear that Ukraine  will succumb to Russia’s relentless war machine, that whatever happens, Mariupol is laid waste, millions have fled, Kiev remains encircled, and people hide in basements, starving and terrified, not daring to flee.

I can’t help but draw comparisons between Israel and Ukraine, led by the indefatigable President Volodymyr Zelensky. A man of Jewish descent, he reflects the character of Mordechai  Anielewicz, the heroic leader of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising, who was nicknamed “little Angel” (Aniołek).