Victoria Prever picks her favourite cookbooks of the year
By Victoria Prever
A search for a prized Chinese takeaway recipe has a happy ending
By Judy Silkoff
By Claire Calman
I have never liked parties- and don't get me started on the catering
The popular food chain has struck an agreement to launch in the Jewish state
By Felix Pope
Sometimes recipes carry a lot of history and love
By Keren David
We uncover some unexpected facts about the ‘fruit juice’ at the heart of the festival
By Judi Rose
Some 70 Israeli food-tech startups displayed their innovations at Food Tech Il 2022 in Tel Aviv - here are our highlights
By Natalie Lisbona
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Food technologists at the Technion in Haifa developed the dessert while searching for cheap, protein-packed food for older people
By Jenni Frazer
Agricultural expert Rony Oved believes the farm collectives will dramatically improve food productivity in the country’s north-east
By Daniel Ben-David
The creator of Everybody Loves Raymond is back on our TV screens with a new season of his foodie travel show
The Jewish Chronicle's first two cookery writers have become so embedded in our lives they’re still household names
By Nick Freeman
Just when I have rediscovered my Jewish identity, Covid has robbed me of the taste for food
The legendary bakery was founded in 1888 by Belarusian immigrants to London's East End
By Georgia L Gilholy
’We’ve been eating smoked salmon since the seas parted’ said Arieh Wagner
For us, Rosh Hashanah begins with the first of many family traditions a few weeks in advance.
By Josh Howie
With the only diet guaranteed to work on Jews being the bacon/ shrimp diet, where all you’re allowed to eat is pork and shellfish, I did the next best thing - keto with intermittent fasting