Simple, delicious and full of zingy flavour
By Victoria Prever
It was the first time in many years that Pesach had coincided with the university term
By Gaby Wine
Rabbi Lara Haft Yom-Tov wrote that they had ‘manufactured a famine’
By Jane Prinsley
The last days of Pesach reveal our sorrow at bloodshed but wars must not be lost
By Rabbi Michael Pollak
The prime minister and Labour leader Keir Starmer both condemned terror and antisemitism in exclusive articles for the JC
By David Rose
In these difficult times, the words of the Haggadah will resonate more deeply with us
By Rabbi Dr Yoni Birnbaum
From baking frogs to making gefilte fish purses, we hear from the festival’s wackiest – and most devoted – fans
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Get ready for the Seder with this festive challenge
By Nina Collins
“He should dwell outside of the tent for seven days” Leviticus 14:8
By Rebbetzin Shuli Liss
Ccnfused by the many matzah choices? Read on for your most nutritious Passover pick
By Laura Southern
Noa Mevorach Zussman speaks to the JC about how she is feeling as Pesach approaches
By Elisa Bray
An Orthodox mother and a rabbi open up about how they feel in the run-up to Seder night
By Felix Pope
The booklets from Noa Girls will advise medical professionals, parents and rabbis
New initiatives are being provided to support the rare occurrence of Jewish students celebrating Pesach on campus
By Daniel Ben-David
During Passover, the Arab Israeli hotel worker is the nominal owner of food and alcohol worth billions of shekels
By Amelie Botbol
Travel company says the number of British Jews going to Israel is down by 65-70 per cent on last year