Restaurant critic and JC2 columnist says he hopes to teach his children about their heritage through food
By JC Reporter
Meet Oren King, the head chef at new London restaurant Lilienblum
By Victoria Prever
Israeli eats are cooked with the elegant experience of head chef Oren King
Oz Sabbo's buzzing chain of London kosher pita bars were inspired by his Moroccan grandmother
The celebrated chef also said he was shocked to discover the full English breakfast when moving to the UK
The beauty of Israeli food is there are no rules. There’s just chaos and vibrancy and flavour and colour
By Josh Kaplan
Chef Eran Tibi on fermenting pitta at new restaurant Kapara and being an openly Israeli restaurateur in London
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Padua's Adolfo Locci guides class of student chefs through six-week course on Jewish food and kashrut
By Julie Carbonara
The Sketch Café in Haifa, created using 1,000 black marker pens, feels like a drawing or comic book that you can walk into
By Natalie Lisbona
Victoria Prever picks her favourite cookbooks of the year
By Claire Calman
I have never liked parties- and don't get me started on the catering
The Isramani party could be described as the lovechild of a cool barmitzvah and a club in Tel Aviv
We uncover some unexpected facts about the ‘fruit juice’ at the heart of the festival
By Judi Rose
Some 70 Israeli food-tech startups displayed their innovations at Food Tech Il 2022 in Tel Aviv - here are our highlights
Some don't-miss audio and a heads up on a Tel Aviv legend landing (again) in London
By The Fresser
The creator of Everybody Loves Raymond is back on our TV screens with a new season of his foodie travel show