‘We definitely get on brilliantly – as long as we’re not forced to spend too much time together’
By Claire Calman
With its sustainability philososphy, it set industry standards. Let’s hope it doesn’t disappear
By Viola Levy
Antisemites overestimate our organisational abilities – invite them to a communal event and they’ll see for themselves
By Josh Howie
An anti-Israel demonstration at Auschwitz turned my stomach but an Arab-Israeli delegation to the death camp and a Holocaust survivor who refuses to hate, are a cure
By Naomi Greenaway
By John Nathan
Karen Skinazi gets ready for fat grafting
By Karen Skinazi
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Why being ‘helpful’ during your kids’ exams can actually be pretty unhelpful
There were ripples of suppressed laughter when I announced my first security security shift
Where can I wear my Magen David necklaces? More places than I can my T-shirt emblazoned Crack Whore, I guess
By Misha Mansoor
By Josh Kaplan
I expected to get off the plane to a radically altered Israel. I was wrong
‘Zionist’ is now a derogatory term used by those who see no single good thing about Israel
I think it might be easier to get a new husband than the various senior discounts to which I’m now entitled
etc etc
By Karen E H Skinazi