As the vehicle ground to a sudden halt, the Red Alert siren that blared out air-raid warnings when Israel was under attack started wailing on my mother’s phone...
By Misha Mansoor
Although I habitually squash thoughts about peace, I also know I have to envision a future in which there might be steps towards it
By Claire Calman
I know cosmetics make me look better but with the High Holy Days upon us, it is time to take an unadorned look in the mirror
Take it from a Stamford Hill native: the stereotypes about Jewish drivers carry weight
We can learn a lot about loyalty and friendship – especially in the face of hardship – from our proudly Jewish kids
By Naomi Greenaway
Inherited conditions are more common in people of Jewish ancestry so students should take the appropriate genetic tests
By Gaby Koppel
My shul has emailed to notify me that my mother’s yahrzeit is coming up, but it doesn’t feel like the most fitting way to commemorate her
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After visiting Ottawa and seeing the opioid crisis up close, I’m more anti-pills than ever
By Karen E H Skinazi
This year, I’m swapping lilos for lavender fields for the perfect family break
Her decision on whether or not to claim me depends on how frum I look when we’re out and about. But I’ve had my moments of delicious revenge
As my assailant hit me, the thought occurred that this was not the first Jewish face to be punched at this location
By John Nathan
As my youngest leaves primary and the schlepping stops, I want it all back
You don’t have to press any buttons – the only ones pressed will be yours
‘We definitely get on brilliantly – as long as we’re not forced to spend too much time together’
With its sustainability philososphy, it set industry standards. Let’s hope it doesn’t disappear
By Viola Levy
Antisemites overestimate our organisational abilities – invite them to a communal event and they’ll see for themselves
By Josh Howie