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Frummer driving brings the Wild West to N16

Take it from a Stamford Hill native: the stereotypes about Jewish drivers carry weight

September 26, 2024 12:11
Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 16.39.02 copy
Safety concerns: a frum man and his wheels.
3 min read

“My dad never ever said anything remotely racist in his whole life,” said my boyfriend of his late father. “Never. Except for one thing. There was just one single thing which he used to sometimes say and it would always shock me because it was so strange and out of character for him to say something racist."

So what was the shocking thing he said?

“He said that the Jews were terrible drivers…”

I laughed very loud when the boyfriend told me this and how he’d felt a little hurt and surprised by his dad’s assertions. Surely his father, who worked in Stamford Hill, hadn’t been an antisemite? He would ask his dad how he knew the terrible drivers were Jewish and his father, very uncomfortably, would mumble something about them all driving Volvos, never German cars, but said nothing of their clothes. Or the fact there were seventeen people in each car.