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We’re making aliyah to … N12

April 3, 2024 17:24
I'm channelling the Jews who built the pyramids
3 min read

After the Holocaust a generation of Jews talked of keeping a packed suitcase by the door “just in case”. A depressing insight into the mindset of those who could never fully trust that their day-to-day reality wouldn’t again shift on the tide.

Not that we as a people haven’t already have a fair amount of experience when it comes to relocation. From nomadic tribesmen to slaves to Israel’s freeholders to diaspora and back, as our wandering shifted from voluntary venturing to escape and expulsion, you would hope that across millennia it would have somehow got easier for us to move house?

Amid the increasing antisemitism post-October 7, our family have decided we need more security. We also need a garden and extra bedroom, so we are making aliyah. To North Finchley. Or Barnet at a push, if the JC pay rise comes through.

Yet even though we made this decision months ago, we’re still clinging on like limpets in an overcrowded, deteriorating shell. Forget having a bag in the hallway, I can’t even fit into the loft to dig them out.

