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What type of exam mum are you?

Why being ‘helpful’ during your kids’ exams can actually be pretty unhelpful

May 7, 2024 15:55
Under pressure: "We're" in the middle of GCSEs
3 min read

If you now know all 42 founding members of the League of Nations, 15 factors that have caused deforestation and how to say you play the guitar in French, Spanish and maybe Russian too, you’ve been mum-revising too hard.

Exam season is upon us and it seems many of us just can’t help getting into the revision trenches with our kids, whether we’ve been actively recruited for duty or are just enthusiastic volunteers. Does the sentence, “Let me know when you need testing!” have an overly familiar ring? You know who you are. Admittedly, I also found myself deep in eroding soil, before writing this column.

My daughter began her GCSEs this week and with many of my friends’ kids also sitting "real” exams for the first time, I now realise it’s a very revealing parenting moment. Are you just letting them get on with it? Or are you “just letting them get on with it”  but also ensuring that every factor under your own control is 100 per cent optimal at all times? These optimal conditions involve keeping your exam-sitter well fed while keeping the rest of the household churning away under the 30-decibel threshold.

Creating optimum conditions for some parents also involves putting all social arrangements on hold in case you are called up for testing duty – or to make a snack. After all, it’s possible to learn at least three quotes from Of Mice and Men in the time it takes to wash that bunch of grapes. And those three quotes could make all the difference – grade boundaries are very narrow, after all.

