Rabbi Jonathan Abraham, 47, has been detained for over three weeks
By Felix Pope
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was ‘disgusted’
By JC Reporter
More than a dozen pro-Palestinian protesters arrested after violent clashes in city hosting Democratic National Convention
By Rosa Doherty
Rabbi Daniel Rowe says criticism of the Talmud is escaping neo-Nazi forums, and becoming mainstream
By Hannah Gillott
Iran-backed Yemeni terror group reportedly itching to take more aggressive stance towards Israel
The hostages were identified as Avraham Munder, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell, Yagev Buchshtav, Chaim Peri and Alex Dancyg
By Joshua Marks
Natasha Frost, accused of leaking the private details of members of a Jewish WhatsApp group, has apologised for the actions which led to harassment of Australian Jews
By Eliana Jordan
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Argentina's Federal Police have disrupted a terrorist cell planning attacks on the Jewish community
Gali Idan spoke to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer
The terror group has been threatening to escalate the conflict with Israel after several high-profile assassinations
‘The latest [Israeli] massacre was the crime against the leader martyr Ismail Haniyeh,’ he said
The firm employed 800 forced labourers from 1940-45, according to a new report
Top UN researcher appears to have a history of connections to Iran’s military, including its terrorist IRGC
By Jane Prinsley
European Jewish Association launches legal challenge over ‘psycopathic’ article about cutting Jews’ throats
Correspondent Alex Crawford accused of broadcasting ‘poisonous propaganda’
Tariq Daoud was shot dead by the IPF after he opened fire on an Israeli man