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Online antisemites’ new frontier? The Talmud

Rabbi Daniel Rowe says criticism of the Talmud is escaping neo-Nazi forums, and becoming mainstream

August 20, 2024 17:26
Ultra orthodox jewish kids study on the first day of school at an Ultra-Orthodox school founded by Rabbi Shmuel Stern in Jerusalem on August 9, 2021. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** תלמוד תורה בית ספר חרדים ילדים קורונה וירוס חרדים תלמוד תורה
5 min read

It takes most Jews seven and a half years to study the Talmud through the Daf Yomi programme. Yeshiva students from Lakewood to Gateshead to B’nei Brak spend a day on each of its more than 2000 pages learning and absorbing every word of the books.

This makes it all the more impressive, of course, that social media influencers seem to have mastered all 2,711 pages of a standard copy since their interest in Israel began – around about October 7.

Dan Bilzerian, an American poker player-turned-influencer, shared his take on the rabbinic text in a post on X this weekend. It has received almost six million views.

“The Talmud is, after the Hebrew Bible, the central text of Rabbinic Judaism, and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology,” he wrote, deflty copying and pasting the opening paragraph of the Wikipedia entry titled “Talmud”.