His Times column showed how we need to transmit a love of Judaism to our children
By Rabbi Joseph Dweck
The predominance of Zionism continues to pose challenges for Judaism, Oxford’s professor of Israel studies argues in his new book
By Simon Rocker
Technology and a kind doctor saved my life after I was diagnosed with MND. Now, drag queens are portraying me in a new show
By Elisa Bray
By Ben M. Freeman
To fully embrace Jewish indigeneity, we must re-examine how we define ourselves without an imposed Christian lens
The Brutalist picks up 10 Oscar nominations
By Ellie Grant
From bar mitzvah boy to born-again Christian releasing gospel music, then back to Judaism, the singer-songwriter is a walking contradiction of Jewishness
A WhatsApp group is helping women consider the power of words
By Deborah Linton
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The 115-pound marble artifact dates to the Late Roman-Byzantine period
By Imogen Garfinkel
Board of Deputies said the measures were especially needed in the aftermath of October 7
By Lorin Bell-Cross
Matthew Patrick and Josh Simons were both elected in July’s general election
Judaism has traditionally been against euthanasia – but ahead of the second reading of the assisted dying bill, some rabbis and Jewish doctors are questioning that stance
By Felix Pope
Pilgrimage draws thousands despite war
By JC Reporter
When your last links with childhood are lost, it’s time to make choices that you’ve put off for years
By Keren David
Former adviser to Alistair Darling also paid tribute to the late Chancellor
President Macron had condemned the attack on the Grande-Motte synagogue
Rabbi Daniel Rowe says criticism of the Talmud is escaping neo-Nazi forums, and becoming mainstream
By Hannah Gillott