The former governor of the Bank of England was elected leader of Canada’s Liberal party and Prime Minister
By Dave Gordon
Campaigners have called for Hassan Diab to be fired and “promptly deported” after he taught a course in “social justice”.
By JC Reporter
Israeli President Isaac Herzog condemned the attack and called for stronger action against those that target Canadian Jews
By Ellie Grant
The protestor owned two branches of Second Cup Café at Montreal’s Jewish General hospital
By Imogen Garfinkel
An effigy of Netanyahu was burned by anti-Israel protesters as Justin Trudeau attended the Eras Tour with family
By Michael Coren
There are still too many in Canada who refuse to admit this is a real problem
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his country would act on warrants issued by the International Criminal Court on alleged war crimes in Gaza
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Dr Hassan Diab was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of four people
The defendant was determined to kill Jews a year after Hamas attack on Israel, the FBI alleged
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was ‘disgusted’
The star sent a message to young survivors of the Hamas attacks, sending them his support
By Hannah Gillott
A Jewish cemetary in Canada was also vandalised this week, with pebbles arranged into swastikas
What is happening in Canada now may be a foretaste of what is coming to the US and Europe
By Jonathan Harounoff
The Kehillat Shaarei Torah synagogue has already been attacked twice this year
Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said the Iranian regime had shown a ‘willingness to destabilise’ the international order
By Felix Pope
The march was Canada’s largest pro-Israel event since the start of the war