Food writer who embraced history, geography and the sensation of taste and smell
By Julie Carbonara
Want to to travel the world? Meet the man who’ll feed you gourmet glatt anywhere
By Victoria Prever
By Angela Epstein
It is cold, it is clammy and the only reason Jews prize it so is because of its excellent PR
Georgia Green made her name baking for celebrities... now she's teaching the world her cake-making skills
Restaurant critic and JC2 columnist says he hopes to teach his children about their heritage through food
By JC Reporter
Meet the London foodie baking bread for hungry refugees
Growing up, nothing made me feel more Jewish than eating fish balls
By Giles Coren
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The celebrity chef said she'd rather her friends come over 'in pyjamas'
By Hannah Gillott
The writer authored more than 70 cookbooks including one on macaroni cheese
By Gavriella Epstein-Lightman
Bloom’s beef salami and Warburtons bagels are among food items that contain preservatives
By Elisa Bray
Jews have reacted with horror to the new product
Meet Oren King, the head chef at new London restaurant Lilienblum
The owner said 'You’re not paying for the piece of meat, but the experience'
By Tash Mosheim
Get the lowdown on the 'Frankenstein ingredients' in heschered food and why you need to stop eating them
The Schools Minister met heads after the JC revealed that the meals could no longer be provided amid rising costs
By Sandy Rashty
Oz Sabbo's buzzing chain of London kosher pita bars were inspired by his Moroccan grandmother