Holocaust survivor, educator and TikTok star Lily Ebert is remembered by millions for her courage, resilience and unwavering hope
By Eliana Jordan
Mariner was rabbi of Belsize Square Synagogue for some three decades and convener of the Reform Beit Din for 22 years
Trailblazing lawyer dedicated to promoting the success of Jewish day schools
By Gloria Tessler
Holocaust refugee who found safety in his “little Vienna” in Shanghai
‘We laughed together, we fought like hell together for what we wanted our country to be’ said Al Gore
The Israeli-American professor, known for his work in the field of behavioural economics, passed away this week
Malcolm Weisman spent decades visiting rural Jewish communities across the United Kingdom, even into his 90s
By Daniel Ben-David
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Naomi Feil, whose family fled Nazi persecution in Germany in 1937, has died at the age of 91
Defiant independent actress who challenged Hollywood’s simple, sexual roles
By Nathan Abrams
Drama 'legend' who taught Islington children truths beyond stardom
Newcastle’s ‘poetry mugger’, speaker and local philosopher
By Peter Morris
For the dimmed light of a resurgent community whose homes lie in ruins and whose lives will never be the same again
Kleinian psychoanalyst who drew on her patients’ early childhood experiences
The California senator was a passionate advocate for gun control
Maverick physicist who found links between consciousness and the structure of the universe
By Marilyn Keen
She lived to be 103 and saw seven of her 11 great grand-children become bar and bat mitzvah. However, the life of German-born Alice Fraser was anything but predictable. Her grandson tells her story
By David Fraser