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Rodney Mariner, beloved former rabbi of Belsize Square Synagogue and convener of the Beit Din, dies aged 83

Mariner was rabbi of Belsize Square Synagogue for some three decades and convener of the Reform Beit Din for 22 years

August 19, 2024 15:48
Copy Of Sue and Rodney Mariner, Susan Leon and Ron and Linda Cohen
Sue and Rodney Mariner, Susan Leon and Ron and Linda Cohen : null : Maitlis makes news for WJR
2 min read

Rabbi Rodney Mariner, a respected Rabbi and former Convener of the Beit Din of the Movement for Reform Judaism, has died at the age of 83.

Having led the independent Belsize Square Synagogue for 29 years from 1982 to 2011, Rabbi Rodney was the longest serving rabbi in the congregation’s history and is warmly remembered for breathing fresh life into a community whose membership was falling. With characteristic humour and congeniality, Rabbi Rodney also made contributions to interfaith dialogue and community outreach, helping to create a more inclusive Progressive Jewish community.

Born in Australia in 1941, Rabbi Rodney did not begin life with the intention of pursuing a rabbinical career. After leaving school at 15, he worked for seven years as an engineer and then pursued a BA in English Literature and European History at Monash University in Melbourne. He taught English at a secondary school for three years before being granted a five-year scholarship, which he put towards studying for the rabbinate.

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Rabbi Rodney commenced his spiritual education at the Hebrew Union College and School of Biblical Archaeology in Jerusalem and concluded in London at Leo Baeck College, where he was granted his semichah (ordination) in 1976.