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Reluctant Eichmann executioner and kosher butcher Shalom Nagar dies in Israel

The hangman of Holocaust mastermind Adolf Eichmann passed away in Israel last month

December 10, 2024 13:05
Shalom Nagar, Adolf Eichmann's executioner, died on 26 November 2024. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
3 min read

Shalom Nagar, the reluctant executioner of Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann, died on 26 November in Israel. He was in his late 80s.

In 1962, Nagar was a twenty-something prison guard when he was selected to be the hangman of the Nazi fugitive who engineered Hitler’s Final Solution.

After being captured from Argentina by Israeli agents, Eichmann stood trial in Jerusalem where he was convicted of war crimes and sentenced to death. 

It was the first and only case of capital punishment in Israel’s history, and Nagar certainly did not volunteer for the opportunity to carry out Eichmann’s sentence.