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A tribute to Chabad visionary Rabbi Shraga Faivish Vogel

Inspirational Chasidic outreach rabbi whose teachings linked Jewish thought with the modern world

December 23, 2024 11:27
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5 min read

A pivotal figure in the development of the Lubavitch movement in Britain, Rabbi Shraga Faivish Vogel, who has died aged 88, was a unique individual, who made a considerable impact on the Anglo-Jewish community and around the world.

For nearly 50 years he was the key fund-raiser for Lubavitch UK’s schools and outreach work, particularly its work on Campus. In the course of this work, he helped to develop and transmit the idea that traditional Jewish thought – Bible, Talmud and Halachah, as seen through the lens of Chabad Chasidic teaching – has vital messages for all society today. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is regarded as one of his early students, imbibing and then brilliantly expounding this message.

Faivish Vogel was born in 1936 in Manchester to Torah-observant parents. While studying in Manchester Yeshivah and then Gateshead he encountered leading Lubavitch Chassidim, such as Rabbi Yitzchak Dubov and Rabbi Bentzion Shem Tov, and he began weekly study of Chassidic teachings with Rabbi Berel Levin. Despite some opposition, Faivish decided to continue his rabbinic studies in the central Lubavitch Yeshiva in New York, at 770 Eastern Parkway. There he also commenced sophisticated outreach work, conducting an evening study class in Yeshiva University, exploring Chassidic thought, attended by several YU students. Faivish would give the Lubavitcher Rebbe a weekly report of their studies.

In 1960 the now rabbinically qualified Rabbi Vogel married Dussia Charitonov, the daughter of a prominent Lubavitch family, known for its Chabad musical compositions. The young couple were soon sent by the Rebbe as emissaries to London. There Rabbi Vogel joined Rabbi Nachman Sudak, OBE, son-in-law of Rabbi Shem Tov and official head of Lubavitch in the UK, and Rev Aron Dov Sufrin, the Director of Education. Rabbi Vogel became the Executive Director of Lubavitch Foundation, and its chief fundraiser.