Founder Abe Lubelsky launched the show to offer some ‘luxury’ to fans of the grain-based drink
By Felix Pope
Central London’s kosher restaurant scene to be boosted by new cafe and rebuilt restaurant
By Victoria Prever
The beloved chocolate brand will keep its KLBD certification despite announcement in December stating otherwise
By Eliana Jordan
Sephardi Kashrut Authority has added the potato snacks to its approved list
Kosher food manufacturers Gilberts are moving to a new label – not for the first time
By Simon Rocker
There’s so much more than sweet kiddush wine to choose from – have fun with these
The company is rethinking its iconic kosher packaging
By JC Reporter
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“Any animal that has a cloven hoof that is completely split into double hooves and which brings up its cud that one you may eat” Leviticus 11:4
By Rabbi Mordechai Wollenberg
The SKA’s list includes both certified and approved foods to enable more families to celebrate Pesach
The giant cookie was produced to launch the Masiba kosher soup kitchen’s Purim fundraiser
Initiative will raise money to pass on to schools to help fund meals
By Daniel Ben-David
Kosher caterers will deliver your festive feast but you need to act fast
The proposed law would apply to schools, prisons and hospitals across the US state
By Richard Percival
Want to to travel the world? Meet the man who’ll feed you gourmet glatt anywhere
Home-cooked meals will be prepared by university chefs in Chabad’s newly licensed kosher kitchen
By Rosa Doherty
And here are five deliciously easy ways to make use of them