Andrew Krausz's £180 a head experience is creating a splash in Hendon
By Victoria Prever
Leading caterer Arieh Wagner will be supplying delicacies for Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis and his wife Lady Valerie
By Jenni Frazer
The supermarket has attracted criticism for similar mistakes in the past
By Daniel Ben-David
Rimon will offer Kosher and Israeli goods as well as home-cooked food
By Georgia L Gilholy
With recent news that Marmite is back on the menu we've ideas how to use it
By The Fresser
Desperate for babka? Craving kugel? This is food to lift your spirits
How a crack team of Kosher caterers were flown in to prepare the banquet for the 1997 state visit by Israeli President Ezer Weizman
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By Josh Howie
With the only diet guaranteed to work on Jews being the bacon/ shrimp diet, where all you’re allowed to eat is pork and shellfish, I did the next best thing - keto with intermittent fasting
Brandon Lewis made the comments while defending Liz Truss on Sky News
By JC Reporter
Rabbi Jonathan Romain, of Maidenhead Synagogue, insisted Reform rabbis were not advocating changes in government policy
By Simon Rocker
Helping keep your cost of living under control
By Ilana Epstein
JetBlue added 'K' labels to food that had not been approved by Hescher authority
By Josh Kaplan
Manischewitz announced 'gefilte fish hot dogs' on Twitter, calling it 'An American tradition your Bubbie will love'
By Ben Bloch