Joseph Aoun is backed by the United States and Saudi Arabia – and has pledged to dismantle Hezbollah’s military wing
By Yoni Ben Menachem
New York Times investigation shows how deeply compromised Hezbollah was after decades of Israeli espionage
By JC Reporter
Jihadis, dictators and crazed students provoked plenty of fear this year – but don’t forget to laugh at them, too
By Tanya Gold
The chances of regime change have never been greater, say experts
By David Isaac
Partly thanks to Israeli intelligence, Sinwar’s grand plan took place – in reverse
By Yossi Melman
Agents told CBS’ 60 Minutes the plot was more than 10 years in the making
The traditionally neutral country has voted to outlaw the terrorist organisations
By Eliana Jordan
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Israel’s decisive strikes against Hezbollah forced a swift shift in Washington’s approach
By Ellie Grant
After Hezbollah supply lines cut in Syria, Tehran will ‘reexamine options’
By Yaakov Lappin
IDF says reports that ground troops are 16km from the Syrian capital are ‘false’
The Syrian front will remain challenging for Israel – but the Sunni rebels are far weaker than the Shia axis
Closed military zones have been declared on Israeli side as IDF bolsters defences
By Yaakov Katz
Israel’s security policy must be rooted in more than immediate threats and tactical distractions
Reza John Vedadi memorialised ‘the Butcher of Tehran’, Ebrahim Raisi, as a martyr
By Jane Prinsley
By Richard Pater
The truest test will be when the residents of the north feel confident in returning and rebuilding their homes
The US must ensure that the ceasfire does not repeat the errors of the ill-fated 2006 UN Security Council Resolution
By Yoni Tobin