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Plant-based Pesach? We've got your back.

There's enough to worry about this year without fretting about what to serve for vegan guests at Seder

March 19, 2020 14:43
3 min read

The flour had barely settled after Purim’s hamantaschen-fest when thoughts turned to planning Pesach. It’s likely more of us than ever will be sharing our Seders, or at least one Passover meal, with vegan friends or family.

It’s no easy task for those new to veganism — amplified when pasta and pies are off-limits. Take out the eggs and menu planning stress could be off the scale.

So I’ve spoken to a few of the JC’s favourite vegan chefs to see how they manage their Passover menus.

Lara Balsam of the Jewish Vegetarian Society (JVS) is vegan, and as she suffers from coeliac disease is used to cooking without gluten-based foods. “I’m often asked for showstopper centrepiece dishes for celebrations.”