Alma Primary joined a global Seder in aid of an African Jewish school
By Simon Rocker
There's a silver lining to a second pandemic Pesach for Misha Mansoor - a seder with her parents, and her dad's special cake.
By Misha Mansoor
Cari Rosen's JC column more than a decade ago turned into a book - and now it's been updated
By Cari Rosen
Year-7s shine in memorial competition for Israeli teenager
Online predators are an ever-present risk, a senior Metropolitan Police officer warns
By Detective Inspector Mark Rogers
contains material not in the Etgar Handbook
By The JC
Anxiety, exhaustion, has been tough in a year of pandemic. Family therapist Chana Hughes has some tips on coping as we head in a more hopeful direction
By Chana Hughes
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Bulge class at Yavneh will help meet demand for this year
contains material not in the Etgar handbook
Regular tests and masks in class are part of the back to school experience
Rachel Hanison says Ofsted recognises 'wholesale transformation' of school
When your dentist brings up campus antisemitism, what's a mum to do?
By Claire Calman
Scheme to relocate boys' school was previously blocked over Green Belt concerns
Teachers will be taking forward some of the new ideas they have gathered during remote learning, says Rimon head Sarah Simmons
What to do with the sourdough starter? Where did that crumb come from? Rachel Creeger has some answers to pandemic Pesach panic
By Rachel Creeger