Family & Education

The Etgar Challenge March 12

contains material not in the Etgar handbook

March 12, 2021 12:03
Night (004).jpg
1 min read

1..   Which one of the following items was not in the Mishkan?
a.    washing basin
b.    copper altar
c.    gold altar
d.    menorah
e.    spice box

2.    Which Megillah is read by some communities on every Erev Shabbat?
a.    Shir Hashirim
b.    Rut
c.    Eichah
d.    Kohelet
e.    Esther

3.    Which of the following requires a different bracha to the others?
a.    melon
b.    pineapple
c.    avocado
d.    cucumber
e.    banana

4.    The stones of the High Priest’s breastplate corresponded to
a.    the positive commandments
b.    the priestly blessings
c.    the twelve tribes
d.    the ten days of repentance
e.    the attributes of mercy

5.    Each new Jewish month begins with:
a.    A crescent moon
b.    a half moon
c.    a gibbous moon
d.    a full moon
e.    a solar eclipse

6.    Approximately how many Jews have come to Israel from the Soviet Union since its collapse in 1989?
a.    500,000
b.    600,000
c.    700,000
d.    800,000
e.    1,000,000

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 Answers: 1e, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5a, 6e