Family & Education

The Etgar Challenge March 19

contains material not in the Etgar Handbook

March 19, 2021 10:22
1 min read

1.    Which of the following books of Tanach is written mostly in Aramaic, as opposed to Hebrew?
a.    Iyov
b.    Shoftim
c.    Ezra
d.    Yirmiya
e.    Daniel

2.    Which of these festivals falls in the month of Nisan?
a.    Succot
b.    Pesach
c.    Shavuot
d.    Chanukah
e.    Purim

3.    In the days of the Beit Hamikdash, every meal offering had to be flavoured with:
a.    ketchup
b.    mustard
c.    salt
d.    pepper
e.    garlic powder

4.    Sephardi Jews in Spain developed a special language called:
a.    Ladino
b.    Spando
c.    Gematriah
d.    Esperanto
e.    Franco

5.    In every 19-year lunar cycle, how many leap years are there?
a.    two
b.    three
c.    seven
d.    nine
e.    13

6.    Which of the following is the odd one out:
a.    cups of wine at Seder
b.    questions in Mah Nishtanah
c.    mitzvot of Purim
d.    megillot in Tanach
e.    brachot in Birkat Hamazon

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 Answers: 1e, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6d (there are five — all the others are four)