“For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them, and God rested on the seventh day; therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” Exodus 20:11
By Rabbi Natasha Mann
In a challenging landscape for LGBTQ+ Jews, Sapphic Shabbat is bringing queer women and non-binary people together
By Jane Prinsley
“You shall keep My Sabbaths” Leviticus 26:2
By Rebbetzin Shuli Liss
Jo Woolfe’s project has led to around three million Shabbat candles being lit worldwide for the captives since October 7
By Gaby Wine
Two bakers have repurposed a loaf traditionally made for the first post-Pesach Shabbat
By Victoria Prever
Looking after the ‘stranger’ lies at the heart of the Torah
By Simon Rocker
He gave them a statute and an ordinance, and there He tested them” Exodus 15:25
By Rabbi Mordechai Wollenberg
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Rustling up a four-course meal every Friday night is par for the course for Jewish mothers across the land, says Angela Epstein
By Angela Epstein
'Today of all days, it is important to light up the dark,' said Jewish education charity Seed, which organised the #lightforisrael mitzvah
By Daniel Ben-David
Shabbat times for the week
By JC Reporter
The Australian singer said his new brand Tsu Lange Yor was an ode to his Jewish ancestry
By Richard Percival
What a shame I won’t be able to watch the coronation as it happens from the comfort of the sofa
By Judy Silkoff