Anti-Israel editors cited material from controversial sources out to reportedly outweigh more balanced voices
By JC Reporter
Brazilian government accused of surrendering ‘to the pro-Palestinian legal terrorism’
Biden administration reportedly seeking $8 billion arms deal with Israel
Rabbi Gideon Sylvester was told the interview would be about Chanukah
By Imogen Garfinkel
Reversal was welcomed by UKLFI and Board of Deputies
By Lorin Bell-Cross
The IDF released footage showing armed terrorists trying to flee
The projectile was intercepted before crossing into Israeli territory, according to the military
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By Siam Goorwich
In a sea of darkness, we have some rays of light...
Board of Deputies is ‘appalled’ by boycott, which followed pressure from pro-Palestine activists
The Israeli government has announced the start of its Electronic Travel Authorisation programmes
The Israeli prime minister is expected to remain in the hospital for observation in the coming days
The Israeli film star underwent emergency surgery in the final months of pregnancy
The country is facing a severe energy shortage
By Canaan Lidor
Teenagers forced to perform sex acts on each other, says Israeli ministry report due to go to UN
Leading rabbis have seen religious significance in the symbol of the Jewish state
By Simon Eder
The broadcaster had been accused of erasing Jews in his description of Mary