From fashion to comedy, art to literature, music to film, Jewish creatives on both sides of the Atlantic no longer feel safe in the places they once called home
By Siam Goorwich
Last night’s Oscars prove once again that Holocaust films are a sure-fire awards winner
Like the gym, you will always feel better after going to shul, and the more you go, the easier it gets
In a sea of darkness, we have some rays of light...
Buckingham Palace issued a statement after being contacted by the JC
Eylon Levy chats to the JC ahead of his inspiring talk to young, Jewish professionals at London’s Jewish Learning Exchange
We raise fortunes to support people and causes who wouldn’t do the same for us – what about our academics, our activists and our artists?
One of the most chilling elements has been the reports of how the Israeli fans were abandoned by the local authorities
The wife of the deceased terror leader was captured on video fleeing before October 7
Why can’t Western media call Nasrallah the monster that he was?
I was keen to show the antisemitism-spewing rapper what Jews are really like – but to no avail