A disappointing DC offering
By Linda Marric
The first German language screen incarnation of Erich Maria Remarque’s best-selling 1929 novel is brilliantly executed
The series is bowing out, not with a bang, but rather with a whimper
For Stéphane Freiss, the writer and director of this new French film, this was a deeply personal project
By Stephen Applebaum
Director David O. Russell on the starry list of actors he has assembled for his new 1930s film
By James Mottram
Forget the accusations of cruel exploitation, Andrew Dominik's portrayal of Marilyn Monroe feels more like an art project than a straightforward biopic
Viola Davis stars as the leader of a group of female liberators taking on evil slave traders in 19th century Africa
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Film composer whose electric guitar riff helped transform Ian Fleming’s English spy into international playboy James Bond
By Nathan Abrams
Lesley Manville heads a stellar European cast in this charming period-drama comedy
A fascinating new documentary traces two friends travelling to Germany to face up to very different tales from their families’ past, as its director explains
A filmmaker star is born
Karen E H Skinazi picks her favourite screen depictions of the High Holy Days
By Karen E H Skinazi
When the star of his film died, Joshua Newton despaired. But as he tells James Mottram, the tech came through in the end
Depiction of Jews has happily moved on from the crass stereotypes so common in the early 20th century
By John Nathan
Blade Runner actor who created golems on screen but failed to achieve the magic of stardom
Former One Direction star is sadly the weakest link in a movie full of intrigue, heightened paranoia and 50s nostalgia