BBC actress Marisa Abela has an uncanny likeness to Winehouse
By Nicole Lampert
Cate Blanchett is phenomenal as a fictional classical conductor in the midst of a career crisis
By Linda Marric
With in-jokes galore and some hilariously over-the-top one-liners, this feels like a horror comedy that's likely to run and run
The veteran director took home two of the night's biggest prizes
Truman Hanks, son of Hollywood Mr Nice Guy Tom, is the revelation in second adaptation of Fredrik Backman’s 2012 novel
Olivia Colman valiantly tries to rescue a movie that could have been so much more yet fails on almost every level
British actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson is being tipped as the new 007
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Our film critic welcomes the movie industry’s return to normality — but what caught her eye?
First authorised biography of the screen siren feels like a missed opportunity
By Georgia L Gilholy
Christian Bale stars as a detective hunting down in a serial killer at an 1830s US army training academy in a film that deserves extra marks for originality.
An expertly crafted study in female rage against the establishment
By Nathan Abrams
Pretty much every aspect of Steven Spielberg’s ET resonates with Jews, making it a parable of our story, told by one of us, for us
Judd Apatow collaborator Jonah Hill chronicles the career of the counsellor he credits for rescuing him from a lifetime of anxiety
Avatar: The Way of Water does exactly what is expected from it
Director Lorcan Finnegan returns with dark and understated thriller
Successful RSC musical adaptation of Roald Dahl’s 1988 tale gets the big-screen treatment