The insect superhero is back again
By Linda Marric
Kerry Shale, who appeared in the 1983 Barbra Streisand film, has penned a fresh take on Isaac Bashevis Singer's classic short story
By JC Reporter
Linda Marric's not impressed by the latest episode in this stripper saga
Dave Franco and Alison's Brie's film feels like a pastiche of genre rather than a fully fledged romcom
The film has faced backlash for reinforcing ‘painful’ stereotypes and ‘playing the Holocaust for laughs’
By Georgia L Gilholy
This couple make funny, honest films about their relationship
By Karen Glaser
Brendan Fraser makes a great comeback playing a reclusive, overweight professor trying to repair his relationship with his estranged daughter
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Don't miss this sci fi mystery
Jonah Hill and Eddie Murphy are at their hilarious best in a non-buddy story the world has been crying out for
Touching, inspiring and a genuinely thrilling story about Steven Spielberg's trajectory to greatness
Always dreamed of making a movie? Here's a scheme to get you started
By Keren David
Brad Pitt stars as an ageing silent-film leading man but despite some stellar performances, director Damien Chazelle's new movie looks unlikely to live up to the hype
Franco-German director Emily Atef’s latest offering seeks to be life-affirming and philosophical about a terminal diagnosis, but often feels bleak
Tony Kushner has worked side-by-side with the director for decades
Groundbreaking documentary took Robin Lustig to spot in Lithuania where his mother's mother was murdered by the Nazis
By Robin Lustig
By Kate Maltby
On stage and screen, Jews just wanna have fun